The detailed schedule of the Krakow event is stored here.

On Thursday 27th and Friday 28th we have organised in Krakow a hands-on workshop for PhD students working within CELLION, devoted to:

   (A) atomic force microscopy techniques in biological applications (IFJ PAN)
   (B) molecular biology, immunology and microscopy methods (Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum)

For every topic, the program included introductory lecture(s) and a practical part in the lab. Together with the PhD or post-doc students financed from CELLION also other students and senior scientists involved in the project participated in a short, common seminar and the workshop. All researchers financed by CELLION prepared a short (15 min.) seminar presenting the subject of his/her work on Thursday 27th. All the seminars are listed below:

1. Oleksandr Veselov (IFJ)
2. Philippe Barberet (GSI)
3. Guanghua Du (GSI)
4. Rasa Ugenskiene (CM UJ)
5. Wojciech Dabros (showing results of A.M. Monteiro Fereira, CM UJ)
6. Markus Heiss (Bordeaux)
7. Charlotta Nilsson (Leipzig)
8. Anja Fiedler (Leipzig)
9. Thomas Pouthier (Bordeaux)
10. Natalia Arteaga Marrero (Lund)
11. Morgiane Richard (Surrey)
12. Mary Farrel (Uppsala)
13. Gunjana Sharma (Uppsala)

Thursday afternoon, after an introductory lecture by M.Lekka (IFJ PAN), was devoted to a hands-on workshop dealing with AFM techniques at IFJ and Friday to visit at CM UJ with the similar program: an introductory lecture and hands-on.

On Saturday 29th participants of the meeting have visited a famous medieval salt mine in Wieliczka, 15 km from the city.
Next, in the afternoon, the Annual CELLION Meeting and the General Assembly discussion was held in the conference center. Nine groups were represented (Dr. M.Folkard of GCI who could not come to Krakow has transferred his voting rights to Dr. G.W.Grime of Surrey).

Main topics included an overview of the recruitment status and some financial aspects. We did not deal much with technical/scientific aspects, as we have previously devoted a significant amount of time to these issues and many of the groups are rather developing their research facilities at this moment.

Much time was devoted for instruction of reporting, as we entered the first reporting period (45 days after 31.01.2005).