From Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th the CELLION mid-term meeting was organised by Prof. Philippe Moretto and the CENBG group.
This was the biggest CELLION event so far. All ESR/ER recruited for the network were participating, together with scientists in charge, representing all CELLION members.
Project Officer for Life Sciences, our EC representative, Ms Annette Schneegans, and an external expert, Prof. Juergen Kiefer, have also attended the meeting.
The detailed schedule of the mid-term meeting is stored here.

A short presentation given by the coordinator, Dr. Z.Stachura, summarised the current organisational status of the network. We link here also the current (03.02.2006) list of CELLION-supported publications and the list of main CELLION-related events. Other data are included in the mid-term report, delivered to the EC a few weeks before Bordeaux meeting.
An overview presented by Ms. Annette Schneegans, was related to mid-term meeting objectives in frames of the 6th Framework Programme.
Two next presentations, dealing with the state of the art of CELLION-related research and the current develpment stage of single ion hit facilities were given by Dr K.M. Prise and Prof. Tilman Butz, vice-coordinators of the biology and the instrumentation programmes.

The following seminars (time order preserved) have been preseneted during the event. They illustrate current status of research in the network groups and young researchers work progress. Most of the seminars were presented by ESR/ER recruited to the RTN, however they were usually preceded by introduction given by a scientist in charge.

1. Oleksandr Veselov, IFJ PAN Cracow
2. Rasa Ugenskiene, JUMC Cracow
3. Giselle Flaccavento, GCI Northwood
4. Dr Bernd Fisher, GSI Darmstadt
5. Dr Markus Heiss, GSI Darmstadt
6. Dr Philippe Barberet, GSI Darmstadt
7. Prof. Roberto Cherubini, INFN Legnaro
8. Marcin Skoczylas, INFN Legnaro
9. Dr Denis Guryev, INFN Legnaro
10. Thomas Pouthier, CENBG
11. Dr Sebastien Incerti, CENBG
12. Dr Tilo Reinert, University of Leipzig
13. Charlotta Nilsson, University of Leipzig
14. Prof. Geoff W. Grime, University of Surrey
15. Morgiane Richard, University of Surrey
16. Wojtek Polak, University of Surrey
14. Prof. Jan Pallon, Lund University
15. Natalia Arteaga Marrero, Lund University
16. Gunjana Sharma, Uppsala University

After the subsequent meeting between Ms. Annette Schneegans and young researchers, a General Assembly, splitted into Saturday evening and Sunday morning parts, discussed several issues of reporting (please note the changed currency exchange rates!), organisation of further work and strategy for the remaining period. During Sunday session, Prof. Juergen Kiefer, the external expert who accepted invitation to take part in the meeting, summarised shortly his impressions and opinions concerning current and future CELLION activities.
More detailed report from the General Assembly discussion is linked here.