Recent news
This page is under continuous reconstruction.
Final meeting – 5th April 2008, Krakow
Dear CELLION participants,
We are quickly approaching the final meeting in Krakow.
Below please find few organizational details:
- I am attaching to this mail a short, preliminary
program of the event.
In this version I haven't planned any scientific report from the participants,
as the final meeting is rather for Principal
Investigators who should fix all formal and organizational issues related to
closing the project. But of course we have
nothing against other contributions.
If you have any suggestions, welcome.
- Unless directly required differently, you will all be accomodated in the city
center (we booked several rooms
for 2 nights from Friday 4th):
Bed&Breakfast, Wislna Street 10, Krakow
tel. +48-12 421 98 71
Their web link is below:
- The meeting will take place at the IFJ PAN.
Transport will be provided between Krakow airport and the hotel and between
hotel and the IFJ. So, if you would
like to use our transport, please let us know your time of arrival (maybe also
flight number).
- One of the main goals of the meeting is to acquire data helpful in preparing
the final report. Therefore I would
be very grateful for short (one page maximum, preferably even less) summary of
the activity of each participating
institution during the whole CELLION duration. I think that it should be
rather institution-oriented text,
as the task-oriented version may be relatively easily extracted from these
- Please provide information (starting/closing date) of the reseachers active
in last period (not only the ones recruited in last period!).
See you in Krakow,
Stachura and Janusz Lekki
PS. Important (!) - we have just obtained the next payment from EC and
currently we are distributing these money in the RTN.
It would be very helpful if those who have not delivered yet their Forms C
could send us at least the rough, preliminary
version of this document ! Otherwise we will be forced to guess your
expences and probably we will fail.
Please note
that formally deadline for financial report is mid-March.
ESR/ER who already finished their
activity inside the network are kindly requested to fill out the final
assessment formular (!).
The link (updated recently !):
Instrument: MCA
Project type: RTN
Questionnaire type: Assessment
Project ID: 503923
3rd report accepted; extension
Here’s the recent email from Dr Kaisa Hellevuo, our
officer in Brussels:
„I have reviewed your 3rd year report and find your
research/training progress very good! Your file will be transferred to the financial unit soon.“
However, a
question whether CELLION could be extended in order to spend all the planned
person-months in all groups was answered negatively:
„It is of
course a pity if all the person months cannot be used. However, the
general policy in the Marie Curie RTN actions is not to award no-cost
extensions due to late recruitment. The view of the directorate is that
effectively a 3-year budget is awarded for 4 years in the RTN and therefore,
the extensions would not be considered.
I'm sorry to
disappoint you but I hope that you and your partners will understand this view.“
We have a new officer in charge of CELLION, Dr.
Her contact details:
Project Officer in Life Sciences
Marie Curie Networks
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research
Unit T.3
Office: SDME 3/88
B-1049 Brussels
Telephone: +32-2-298 48 13
Unit's Fax: +32-2-296 21 36
The Third Annual Meeting has been organized by Prof. Roberto Cherubini in Padova
Here are the general information, and the schedule of this event.
More information, together with the General Assembly Meeting minutes, overview of the management issues and the PPT presentations of young researchers can be found in the protected area. In particular, the highly interesting and inspiring lecture of Prof. Michael A. Mackey from the Biomedical Engineering and Pathology Dept. of the University of Iowa is accessible there.
The Organizing Committee of the
13th International Congress of Radiation Research (San Francisco, July 8–12,
2007, has invited Zbyszek Stachura
to co-chair a workshop on "New technology in sub-cellular microbeams"
(the other chairman will be Gerhard Randers-Pehrson). This gives the great opportunity
to present our results and our network. Please consider the participance of you
and your researchers in this event. We hope to provide more information later.
We have got a permission from EC to shift our annual CELLION meeting to the more favourable spring term. Professor Cherubini has confirmed hosting of this event.
The proposed date is April 20-21.
This, however, does not free us from completing the 3rd period reporting in the required time (up to the middle of March).
As we did a year ago, I (JL) declare my readiness to check the drafts of Forms C. This will not slow you down, as I promise to send the previewed forms on the same or on the next day (excluding the period of February 19-27).
We will be very grateful for
materials enabling me composing the Activity Report of our 3rd reporting
period. Therefore, I would greatly apreciate sending me data related
to ESR/ER training and scientific output (publications !!!, participance in
conferences, etc). Please
don't forget about any additional courses or secondments.
End of August /
beginning of September Lund University group led by Prof. Jan Pallon organized
a series of lectures and a hands-on workshop for the CELLION participants. The
complete materials from this event (lectures from Hven and CELLION researchers’
presentations) are accessible here.
As almost all
CELLION groups attended the ICNMTA 2006 in Singapore, project Scientists in
Charge gathered at this occasion at the General Assembly meeting in order to
discuss current issues, mainly related to finances and the new proposed grant
application. The minutes from the Assembly are accessible here.
Materials from the Bordeaux mid-term meeting are already accessible here.
Bordeaux mid-term
The mid-term meeting of CELLION has been scheduled for the first weekend of
February, Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th in Bordeaux. Many thanks to Professor Philippe Moretto
for organising this event.
A final schedule, accepted by Ms Annette Schneegans, our Commission
representative, is stored here.
As the mid-term seems to be quite important for the Commission, please read
also the following explanatory remarks. They will facilitate your preparation to the meeting. Please
note that all Scientists in Charge and ESR/ER recruited for the network should
participate. Also ER that have been recruited, but already have finished their
engagement in CELLION may participate (i.e. be financed by the network).
The coordinator is obliged to present a summary of CELLION activity in first
half of its existence. Therefore, we will be very obliged for providing us with
information of scientific and training output of the project, in particular:
- publications in referred journals
- participation in conferences / oral talks / posters
- external training / secondments / etc.
related and supported by CELLION.
Finally, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Healthy,
Successful New Year 2006.
See you all in Bordeaux,
Micros_2005 in
In mid-November 2005, a lot of CELLION related research has been presented in
frames of the 14th Symposium on Microdosimetry Micros 2005 held
in San Servolo Congress Center
in beautiful Venice. The conference
was co-organized by CELLION participants, Prof. Roberto Cherubini and Dr.
Silvia Gerardi from Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro - INFN.
Many lectures from the conference in PDF format or as PowerPoint
presentations will be accessible online in nearest future.
During the conference a CELLION workshop has been organized, related to the
possibility of the use of Geant4 software package for simulation and modeling
of single ion irradiation. Lectures dealing with various aspects of Geant4
operation have been given by Dr. Maria Grazia Pia, Susanna Guatelli, and
Giorgio Guerreri (INFN Genova). These
presentations will also be accesible online.
Leipzig meeting
In the first week of October there was a meeting and hands-on workshop for
early-stage researchers organized by the University of Leipzig. The
materials related to this event and in particular all .PPT presentations of the
participants are accessible in protected area. Please have
also a look at a very useful overview of European microprobe-based cells
irradiation program presented by Professor Tilman Butz at the RISC-RAD meeting
in Helsinki.
Many thanks to the Organisers (extreme left and right on the photo) for
preparing this event !
More photos from Leipzig on Sasza Veselov's private web page.
Please visit "Job offers" page
We have just closed an annual CELLION meeting and a hands-on workshop
for the PhD students in Krakow.
Thank you all for coming to Poland, presenting your work and a fruitful
discussion at the General Assembly meeting.
Materials related to young reserchers' presentations and the GA meeting are
stored in the protected area. In
particular, documents that are needed (or may be helpful) for report
preparation are stored together here.
We (ZS and JL) have recently taken part in the coordinators meeting in
Report from this meeting, in form of a list of questions and answers given by
our liason officers can be found here.
The list of e-mail addresses of all young researchers recruited for CELLION has been added recently.
It will be extended by a list of links to web pages of these persons.