The contract was counter-signed in Bruxelles.
Once more thanks to all who helped to bring the project to this point.
We plan to start CELLION activities as soon as possible (February ?).
We have obtained the CELLION contract for signature.
It was signed immediately at the IFJ
and sent back by DHL to Bruxelles.
After completing the negotiations, CELLION legal processing has been started. Now we are expecting
the final text of contract.
We have obtained the evaluation records of our project.
The overall note is 4.38 (87.6%), so
the application has passed all thresholds and we have entered the negotiations.
The closing date for negotiations is October 8th.
The final version is ready. It was printed and sent by a courier to Bruxelles.
The full text was distributed to participants and is also accesible via our FTP server
Thanks for your cooperation, all the remarks, improvements and corrections.
Let us hope for a positive outcome.
The pre-final version (a "Wednesday" one) has been released.
You will have one day only (sorry) to include last moment corrections.
Lack of response will be treated as acceptation.
In the late evening of March 27th the proposal will be closed and printed.
The second version (a "Sunday" one) has been released.
It is currently reviewed at our National Contact Point (mainly in order to check
and clarify distribution of finances).
Missing chapters 2.1 and 2.2 were distributed by e-mail and added to
the recent draft version accesible via FTP.
The draft of the RTN proposal is ready.
The following three documents have been distributed:
(1) Our remarks and information - please read it first !
(2) Part A of the project - please complete your data.
(3) Part B of the project - see (2) + feedback required.
We have distributed an e-mail asking all participants for:
- correction of parts A1 and A4,
- providing part A2
- providing chapter B3.1
We have launched a FTP server enabling easy exchange of
larger documents. Server is password protected and the
access details was sent to participants in a separate mail.
As a rule, documents are distributed by mail and their
recent copies are always be accesible by FTP.
Further development of the project and subsequent versions
of application text will be documented at this web page.