The most of the following documents has been made public by the EC.
They are available on the Commission’s web-sites -
the extended bibliography may be found in Annex VI of the RTN Handbook.
Here we have gathered resources that may serve as useful
help in understanding of CELLION network. You may either open these
files directly in your web browser or download them to your disk
(right-click and choose "Save As...").
The RTN Handbook (November 2004 version)
explains the principles of Marie Curie Research Training Networks (RTNs)
to be funded under the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme.
Some questions and answers addressing more specific details are gathered in the
report from the coordinators meeting that was
organized in Bruxelles on 30.09.2004.
The Power Point presentation
CELLION Finances
from the Uppsala kick-off meeting (28.02.2004) briefly
sketches some financial aspects of the project.
The notes from the coordinators meeting in Bruxelles, in form of a list of
our questions and answers given by our liason officers can be found here.
Below you will find the full list of the contract documents
The "General Conditions" of the contract are described in
Annex II
while the "Specific Provisions" are in
Annex III.
Three additional sheets are completing the set:
Form A is required for accession to the contract.
It was signed by all participants and the Coordinator in three copies (one for
EC, one for Coordinator, and the last for participating institution).
Form B is a request for accession of a new
contractor to the contract.
We put this form here only for completeness as we
don't expect such an event.
Form C is a "Financial Statement per Activity
for Marie Curie actions".
This form summarizes project expenses and will be
filled up by every institution after every reporting period.
The above documents are are a common part of all RTN contracts.
The core contract and the Annex I
(Description of work) are specific only to the CELLION project, therefore they do
not belong to public section.