The kick-off meeting of the CELLION project took place in Uppsala
on 28th of February 2004.
Many thanks to Prof. Klas Hjort for organizing the whole event.
The CELLION meeting followed the Ion Track Technology EUNITT annual workshop.
(for those interested, we provide EUNITT proceedings).
The participants list and the program of the CELLION meeting may be found
New: Kick-off meeting minutes.
We have got agreements from participants to put here their presentations.
Below is a list of contributions that
are already accesible in the order as they have been presented:
Z.Stachura - Welcome to CELLION
M.Folkard - GCI
B.Fischer - GSI
R.Cherubini - Legnaro
P.Moretto - Bordeaux
W.Dabros - JUMC
T.Butz - Leipzig
and Ch.Nilsson - Lund
G.W.Grime and N.Kirkby - Surrey
K.Hjort - Uppsala
Z.Stachura - IFJ
Three additional presentations covered last moment results
of first experiments on apoptosis transduction pathways (presented by
Philippe Moretto), simulations at the cellular scale
using GEANT4 package (Sebastien Incerti)
and, finally, several options of possible
with University of Singapore (Marian Cholewa).
In an administration part of the meeting some
financial topics and examples
were presented (JL).
However, this file contains general information only and may be found
also in public area of the CELLION web server.