Offers below are no longer valid, as the recruitment for these positions has been succesfuly completed !

 University of Lund is seeking an Experienced Researcher (a postdoc) for a 6 months contract.

Details below:

Recruitment period

6 months


1 July 2007

Start Date

1 August 2007

Organisation & place of work

Division of Nuclear Physics,

Physics Department,

Lund Institute of Technology

at the Lund University

Contact (title, name, surname)

Dr. Jan Pallon








radiation biology, radiation physics


cellbiology, redox biochemistry


Position offered at the GSI Darmstadt. Please read the following text:

for 12 months, starting September 2006


In summer 2003 we successfully started to use the GSI ion microprobe for targeted irradiation of biological cells. The microprobe in use allows to focus all kinds of ion beams delivered by the GSI's linear accelerator UNILAC (Helium to Uranium with energies up to 11.4 MeV/u) to a beam spot of 0.5 µm and to hit cells with an accuracy of about 2 µm. With this setup we are able to deposit a well defined dose in subcellular regions of single biological cells and so we can investigate repair processes inside the cells, the radiation sensitivity of different cellular areas as well as the radiation response of neighbouring (unirradiated) cells and the signalling pathways between them.

Additionally, we are investigating the effects of highly ionizing radiation in integrated circuits and use the ion microbeam as a tool in nanotechnology to produce regular patterns of ion hits in polymer films.

Because of the short time of the contract, the applicant should already have some experience in a similar experimental environment. In particular the candidate should have knowledge about the work with microprobes and some basic understanding of accelerators. He (she) should have experience in programming with C++, basic knowledge in optics as well as skills in the work with different techniques of microscopy. Experiences in the work with biological samples are an advantage.

He (she) is expected to participate in the preparation, realization and evaluation of the experiments as well as in improvements of the hard- and software for the ion microprobe, and he (she) is expected to collaborate closely with members of the Bio-physics group at GSI.

The salary offered is 47000 €/year + a monthly mobility allowance of 500 € (800 €, if married) subject to local tax, health- and social insurance ( = about 2100 € net/month minimum). In addition a single career exploratory allowance of 2000 € (tax-free) is offered.

The deadline for applications is December 15, 2006. Applications should include a full curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, samples of relevant publications and the name and contact information of two persons for references.

Applications should be sent to
Bernd Fischer
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung

Materials Research Group

Planckstr. 1
64291 Darmstadt

E-mail :



The Centres d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan (CENBG -, a IN2P3/CNRS - Bordeaux 1 University laboratory, located near Bordeaux in France, is offering a physicist postdoctoral fellowship for 12 months, starting September 2005

The CENBG will be equipped during summer 2005 with a new accelerator facility : the AIFIRA (Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d'Ions en Region Aquitaine) program. This facility, based on a Singletron-type electrostatic accelerator, will deliver focused light ion beams (H+, D+, He+) on a dedicated "nanobeam line" with energies up to 3.5 MeV and with a spatial resolution on target reaching the 50 nm level, thanks to the high brightness and energy stability of the delivered beam. Applications cover not only fundamental research but also interdisciplinary research and technology transfer, like material science, microelectronics, environmental applications and biology. These activities have already been initiated on the actual CENBG accelerator facility (Van de Graaff accelerator) and will be transferred to the new facility from October 2005. New research themes will be developed in nanoscience and nanotechnology in the near future and include microlithography, nanofluids, electronic circuits radiation hardness, etc…

A highly motivated physicist postdoctoral fellow is sought to contribute to the development of the nanobeam line and its testing during mid-2006. The candidate will work both on the nanobeam line modelling using ray tracing tools and on the experimental design and optimization of the setup to reach the expected spatial resolution on target.

The modelling of the nanobeam line has already been started. During a first step, the candidate is expected to develop the simulation of second order effects which include : " beam elastic scattering by residual gas within the beam line " beam scattering by collimator edges using realistic 3D collimator geometries from electronic microscopy observations " modelling of quadrupole fringing field from computed field maps The candidate will then participate to the installation of the line. He (she) will contribute to the precise alignment of the nanobeam line magnetic elements. The alignment procedure requires the development of experimental grid shadow techniques and beam aberration measurements on target. In parallel, he (she) will perform a refined simulation of the setup to interpret the observed aberrations. In the meantime, the candidate will naturally be welcome to propose and develop new experimental applications in nanotechnology.

The candidate should possess a completed Ph.D. in Physics with familiarity in ion beam transport and Monte Carlo simulations, with C++ programming skills. Most of the simulations are being developed using the Geant4 toolkit ( Experience with ion beam applications is of course appreciated.

This position is administered by Bordeaux 1 University. The fellowship holder will be expected to collaborate and work closely with members of the Interface Physics-Biology research team at CENBG. The salary offered is about 1700 Euro per month after tax subtraction.

The deadline for applications is April 25, 2005. Applications should include a full curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, samples of relevant publications and the name and contact information of two persons for references.

Applications should be sent to
Philippe Moretto
CENBG - IN2P3/CNRS - Bordeaux 1 University
Chemin du Solarium
33175 GRADIGNAN Cedex
E-mail :
Phone : +33 5 57 12 08 96

Gray Cancer Institute, United Kingdom
The Gray Cancer Institute is a charitable trust undertaking leading research in radiation biology and chemotherapy and the development of new cancer therapies, working in close collaboration with clinicians at Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood on a green belt site.
As part of the MRTN-CT-2003-503923 CELLION project, a 3-year research post is available for a practical physical scientist or engineer to be involved in experimental studies on the effects of micro collimated energetic ions and focused X rays on cultured living cells and tissues.
The successful candidate will be expected to confront a number of technical challenges posed by the micro irradiation technique. In particular, we are seeking methods to substantially improve both the speed and accuracy of automated target identification and subsequent alignment with the microbeam. A critical part of this will be to develop micro alignment methods for accurately transferring samples from the imaging system to the irradiation facility.
Applicants should have a good honours degree in a relevant physical science, or engineering and demonstrate a high level of practical competence for developing and working with electro mechanical assemblies and software controlled instrumentation. Familiarity with optical microscope techniques and electronic imaging / image analysis methods would be an advantage. Applicants must fluent in English and be citizens of EU member states (apart from the UK), EFTA-EEA states, Candidate States, or Israel. The post is for an early stage researcher (i.e. less than 5 years experience) and is for 3 years. It is expected that the successful candidate will complete a PhD study during this period.
Starting salary, dependent upon experience, will be between GBP 22,780 and GBP 24,086 per annum, inclusive of location allowance. The post is banded as a MRC Band 4, and includes generous terms such as 28 days annual leave per year.

To apply, please write a letter of application with a CV and details of two referees to Personnel Officer (Ref. MF1), Gray Cancer Institute, PO Box 100, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 2JR or email
Closing date for applications is 30th June 2004.

For further information please contact: Prof Melvyn Folkard, e mail:, telephone: +44 (0)1923 828611

Contract type: temporary, duration: 3 years
Position: Early Stage researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Start date for position: 1st July 2004.

University of Surrey, United Kingdom

A Research post is available to conduct theoretical and experimental studies on the effects of single, high velocity ions on living cells. The mathematical modelling may include, but is not necessarily restricted to, descriptions of interactions between ions and DNA leading to single and double strand breaks, the kinetics of DNA damage detection and repair and the effect these processes have on cell cycle progression and cell viability. Experiments will be conducted using the facilities of the Surrey Ion Beam Centre which already has an international reputation for ion beam analysis and ion implantation. It is anticipated that the successful applicant will also work closely with the Gray Cancer Institute which is one of the nine other partner institutions in this consortium.

Applications of this research include the improved understanding of conventional radiotherapy and ion beam therapy and the effects of environmental exposure to radiation. It is also intended to help establish that the various existing techniques of ion beam technology can be powerful tools in the biomedical sciences.

The successful applicant will have a first degree in a relevant physical or biological science, biochemical engineering or applied mathematics. She or he should possess first degree skills in at least some of the following areas: mathematical modelling, particle physics, cell biology, molecular biology, computer programming, simulation and chemical kinetics.

Applicants must be citizens of EU member states (apart from the UK), EFTA-EEA states, Candidate States, or Israel.

Salary: circa GBP 18,000 per annum + subsistence allowance depending on circumstances
Closing date for applications is 30th May 2004.

For an informal discussion please contact
Dr Norman Kirkby
, Chemical & Process Engineering: email, or
Prof Roger Webb
, Surrey Ion Beam Centre: telephone +44 (0)1483 689830 or email

For information and an on-line application pack, please download application documents from: 'Employment Opportunities',
or alternatively contact
     Hilary Mitchell, School of Engineering (H5), University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH,
     Telephone 01483 686283 or email
Please quote reference number 4288.

Please note the University offices are closed from 8th - 14th April inclusive.

The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy
For more information about this and other public sector vacancies, please visit

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krak w, Poland
We are searching a candidate with completed medical studies who is interested to be trained in molecular techniques, molecular pathology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy of single ion irradiated cells. Polish candidates are not eligible. Good knowledge in English is required. It is expected that the training will be finished with a PhD thesis.

Contract Type: temporary, duration max. 3 years
Position: Early Stage researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Deadline: 22/04/2004

Contact Person:
Prof. Jerzy STACHURA, Jagiellonian University Medical College, email:

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krak w, Poland
A job for graduated MD working in molecular pathology, experienced in promoter methylation of E-cadherin in gastric cancer. Polish candidates are not eligible. The successful candidate will take part in a development of the promoter methylation assessment in E-cadherin in gastric cancer. We have completed E-cadherin mutation studies in a group of sporadic gastric cancers. The promoter methylation study will be the continuation of it. This, later will be applied the study of E-cadherin mutations in single ion irradiated gastric cell line (Kato III).

Contract Type: temporary, duration 3 months
Position: Experienced Researcher (4-10 years of experience)
Deadline: 30/04/2004

Salary abt. 4184/3918 Euro (married/single) monthly (brutto)
Contact Person:
Prof. Jerzy STACHURA, Jagiellonian University Medical College, email:

Nuclear Centre of Bordeaux-Gradignan (CENBG), CNRS-IN2P3, Bordeaux, FRANCE

A post-doc position is available at CENBG to develop instrumentation in the frame of a research programme on single cell irradiation using ion microbeam techniques. During the last five years, the Nuclear Centre of Bordeaux-Gradignan has developed a single event microbeam line close to the 4 MV single ended Van de Graaff accelerator. The facility is now in operation in its first version and is operated in routine mode in collaboration with different groups working in radiation science.
The researcher will contribute to the improvement of the overall performances of this system in terms of beam resolution, single ion control by implementation of a new secondary electron detector. He/she will work in collaboration with biologists working on the beamline. The researcher will be in charge of the evolution expected for the control-command system that manages all irradiation tasks in semi-automatic mode.

Qualifications & experience

Candidates should hold a PhD in Physics. They should be interested in multidisciplinary work in areas such as cell biology and radiation physics. Experience in physics instrumentation and know-how in electronics and programming is necessary.

Important notes
The duration of this postdoctoral stay is of one year with possibility to extend. The net income is 2400 Euro per month. Candidates must be citizens of EU member states (apart from France), EFTA-EEA states, Candidate States, or Israel.
Final date for application: 1 July 2004,   start date for position: 16 July 2004.

Contact Person:
Prof. Philippe MORETTO
, CENBG, Gradignan, e-mail:

Uppsala University, Sweden

Within the MRTN-CT-2003-503923 CELLION project two positions are offered at The Dept. of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University.
We are located in the Angstrom Laboratory —one of the most modern and best-equipped research centres in Europe for technology, physics and chemistry. We work in close co-operation with nearby centres for biology, medicine and other life sciences as well as mathematics, IT and systems sciences. There are excellent and unique possibilities to carry out interdisciplinary technical research and education.
We are also in close contact with the research-based industries in Sweden and other countries. Uppsala Science Park is an internationally renowned hot spot for advanced biotechnology enterprises. New companies in fields such as renewable energy sources as well as in microtechnology and nanotechnology are also giving rise to great expectations. The technology of tomorrow sprouts in the rich fields of advanced science at Uppsala University.
The Angström Laboratory with its floor area of 60,000 sqm (646,000 sq.ft) is the workplace for 600 graduate students and researchers as well as about 2,000 undergraduate students. One important feature is the largest “cleanroom” in Sweden with a unique combination of advanced microstructure technology, and a wide range of equipment for high-resolution microscopy and analysis. Uppsala University is the oldest university in Sweden (a.d. 1477) we also have the most up-dated working environment and laboratory facilities.
Year 2003 we were 39,100 undergraduates, 2,400 Ph.D. students, 3,800 faculty members.
In an international survey we were ranked n:o 13 of the Universities in Europe, second in Sweden after the Medical University, Karolinska Institutet. We are the oldest and by far largest academic estiblashment in microsystem technologies in Sweden. The group is working in clean room process technologies and the world leader in ion track lithography.

One position of an early-stage researcher financed by CELLION Marie-Curie Fellowship for 36 months but guaranteed by the Dept. for the 48 months of study normally demanded by Uppsala University.
You should have a M.Sc. background in electronic, chemistry, materials science, or equivalent. Experience with clean room technology and/or radiochemistry is advantageous.
Your work will be focused on nanotechnology and microsystems for an intelligent Petri-dish.

Contract type: temporary, duration: 36 months
Position: Early Stage young researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Final date for application: 1 June 2004
Start date for position: 1 September 2004

One position of an experienced young researcher financed as a salary by CELLION Marie-Curie Fellowship for 12 months.
You should have experience in clean room technology. Experience with nano imprinting, micro contact lithography, and microsystem technology are advantageous.

Contract type: temporary, duration: 12 months
Position: Experienced young researcher (min Ph.D., max. 10 years experience)
Final date for application: 1 June 2004
Start date for position: 1 September 2004

Both positions will be focusing on the processing technologies and will be working in close collaboration with other parties in CELLION for developing their applications.

Links of interest:

The Angstrom Laboratory
Dept. of Eningeering Sciences

Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Klas Hjort

(Director of The VINNOVA Center of Excellence in Microsystem Technology)
Div. of Materials science, Dept. of Engineering Sciences,
The Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden

Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ), Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland

A single cell studies of the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation beam.
Research at the Department of Radiation and Environmental Biology of the IFJ is based on the comparative molecular and cellular studies of the ionizing radiation beam biological efficiency in the induction and repair of the critical DNA damage.
Particular attention is paid to the association between genetic predisposition and radiosensitivity of cells of healthy donors cells and cancer patients.
• Requirements: Candidate should be graduated in the field of genetics, molecular biology, medical physics or medical science. Should have some experience and be familiar with molecular techniques, particularly with single cell gel electrophoresis, FISH, PCR .
Skills in image analysis systems and applications are strongly recommended.

Application form should include:
• Organisation
• Contact (title, name, surname)
• E-mail
• home page WWW if applicable
• Town
• Country
• Place of work
• Discipline (may be multiple) Subdisciplines
• Brief CV

Closing date for applications is 15th June 2004.

For further information please contact: Prof. Antonina Cebulska-Wasilewska
, e mail:,

Contract type: temporary, duration: 3 months
Position: Early Stage researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Start date for position: 1st October 2004.

Lund University, Sweden

Within the MRTN-CT-2003-503923 CELLION project, 30 months are allocated for an early-stage researcher who should participate in and contribute to the construction of a horizontal Single Ion Hit Facility (SIHF) at the Lund Nuclear Microprobe
laboratory at the division of Nuclear Physics at the Physics Department.
It is assumed that the candidate should be able to complete a PhD-degree in Physics, especially in Applied Nuclear Physics. Swedish candidates are not eligible. The main part of the task will be devoted to instrument design and development; e.g. single ion hit detection method, construction and evaluation of the irradiation setup including cell dish and microscopy developments. Thus a background for the candidate in Physics or Technology is required. The second phase of activity will involve cell irradiations done in cooperation with the Department of Radiation Physics at the Lund University Hospital.
The Lund Nuclear Microprobe group formed originally around 1990 as a subgroup of the PIXE group that dates back to mid 1970s. The laboratory has a dedicated single-ended 3 MV electrostatic accelerator equipped with two beam-lines for focused beams. Within the group there is expertise in ion beam techniques, detection systems, high-speed electronics, ion beam lithography. The group has broad experience in interdisciplinary applications of ion beam analysis.
The Physics department with more than 350 employees has about 120 PhD-students in the fields of e.g. Atomic Physics, Laser Physics, Combustion Physics, Solid State Physics, Nanotechnology and Nuclear Physics. The Division of Nuclear Physics is a part of the Lund Institute of Technology that is one of seven faculties at the Lund University. It is the largest University in Sweden having about 38 000 students, with a broad international student exchange program (1400 incoming, 700 outgoing students during 2003).

Links of interest:
The Lund University,
Lund Institute of Technology,
Division of Nuclear Physics

Contract type: temporary, duration: 30 months
Position: Early Stage researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Final date for application: 1 June 2004,
Start date for position: 16 August 2004.

Contact person: Dr. Jan Pallon
Div. of Nucl. Physics, Physics Dept., Lund Inst. of Technology at the Lund University

Nuclear Solid State Physics group at the University of Leipzig (Germany)
works on single ion bombardment of living cells with focused high energy protons. Within a MC RTN we offer a PhD student position for a physicist with interest in focused ion beams and life sciences. The tasks comprise the development of a new irradiation platform, the planning of and carrying out of targeted irradiation experiments with living cells, the data analysis, and the publication of results. The position is funded for 3 years which is also supposed to be the time required to complete the PhD thesis. German applicants are not eligible. Fluency in English or German is required. The University of Leipzig is an affirmative action / equal opportunities employer.

Contract Type: temporary, duration: 3 years
Position: Early Stage researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Deadline: 20/03/2004

Contact Person:
Prof. Tilman BUTZ, Universitaet Leipzig, Fakultaet fuer Physik und Geowissenschaften,

Place Of Work: Universitaet Leipzig, Fakultaet fuer Physik und Geowissenschaften, Leipzig, Germany

IFJ Kraków
is seeking an early-stage researcher to be employed under a contract to work at the proton microprobe lab for the construction and development of a system for single protons irradiation of biological cells. In particular the following fields are of interest:
- automatic recognition of biological cells using advanced miroscopic techniques
- hardware-software system for cells positioning
- ion beam control
After finishing the construction stage, the candidate will take part in biological program of the CELLION project.
It is expected that the candidate employment in the project will be finalized with a PhD degree at the IFJ.


MSc degree in physics, knowledge of the basic ion beam techniques, possibly an experience in hardware-dependent real-time programming in C/C++, good knowledge of English.
For a succesful candidate, the test period of 3 months is foreseen with the possibility of extension to up to three years.
The contract salary conforms the rules of MC RTN networks (the main part, monthly living allowance, amounts in Poland 2258 Euro plus 710 Euro/month for a married person or 444 Euro/month for a single). All taxes, social security complusory payments etc. must be covered from this salary.
For other details please see the RTN Handbook.

The candidates should apply to the IFJ contact persons.

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
Training offer:

Electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology of cell lines irradiated by single ions Candidates:
MD, biologist or biophysicist at a level of MSc or PhD. Polish candidates are not eligible. Knowledge in English is required.

Contract Type: temporary, duration: 3 months each position
Position: Early Stage researcher (max. 4 years experience)
Start date: 1 January 2005 and 1 January 2006
Number of Positions: 2
Deadline: 01/06/2004

Contact Person:
Prof. Jerzy STACHURA, Jagiellonian University Medical College, e-mail: