Below we present applications that were not chosen by the group where they applied but may be of interest for other CELLION research groups.
From: "Viktor Kurysko"
Sent: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 14:36:08 +0100 (BST)
Subject: PhD application (CELLION)
Dear Dr. Zbigniew Stachura,
I would like to apply for a Ph.D. student position inside your CELLION project. Your colleague Prof. Tilman Butz from Leipzig gave me your contact details and I decided to send my application to you.
I have graduated from the Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) as a Master of Science in Physical and Biomedical Electronics at Semiconductor Electronics Department. The major of our curriculum was devoted to study of physical fundamentals of semiconductor technology. During my research work (preparation of master's thesis) I gained some experience in techniques of directional crystallization process (Czochralski method, Bridgman method, zone melting) and techniques of colloid chemistry (e.g. sol-gel process, graft polymerization). Besides, I had a chance to improve my qualification as computer user. So, I acquired skills in programming (TurboPascal, Assembler); MS Windows, MS Office package and such application-specific programs as WSxM Software (analysis of AFM images), MathCad, Maple, MicroCap etc.
The topic of my diploma thesis was "Formation of Quantum Dots Ensembles, Based on SiO2- Polymethylmethacrylate". The goal of this investigation was to get uniform self-assembled monolayer, constituted by nanoparticles with core-shell morphology, on silicon wafer. The main part of this research was performed at Organic Chemistry Department.
The main fields of my interest are:
- nanotechnology and nanostructures;
- materials for application in optics.
The main results of my investigations were published in the following papers:
1. Kurysko V.V. "Formation of Quantum Dots Ensembles, Based on SiO2-Polymethylmethacrylate". Proceeding of the 61st Student Scientific & Technical Conference. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Telecommunications, Radio Electronics and Electronic Engineering. Ukraine, Lviv, November 2003.
2. Kurysko V.V., Trotsenko S.E., Tokarev V.S. "Behavior of Nanoparticles with Core-Shell Morphology at Solid Surface." 4th Conference of Young Scientists and Students on Topical Questions of Chemistry. Dnepropetrovsk National University. Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, June 2004 (submitted).
Please, find my CV as attachment.
I will be thankful, if you let me know about possibility to be involved in your research program.
Best regards,
Viktor Kurysko.
From: "Gianfranco Claudio"
Sent: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 16:39:58 +0100 (BST)
Subject: interest in Interdisciplinary Research Training Network
Dear Dr. Zbigniew STACHURA
I have just finished my PhD in Ion Implantation at the University of
Surrey (UK) and I am really interested in the position as an Early Stage
researcher at your Institute.
I have attached my personal CV for your attention and consideration.
looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Dr Gianfranco Claudio AMInstP
Advanced Technology Institute (ATI)
Daphne Jackson Building
School of Electronics and Physical Sciences
University of Surrey
Surrey. GU2 7XH
England, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1483 686096
Fax: +44 (0) 1483 689404
From: "Ihor Sydoryk"
Sent: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 19:21:49 +0100
Subject: Marie Curie - MRTN-CT-2003-503923
Below is a short summary of the experience of Ihor Sydoryk from Ukraine, now an UNESCO stipendist at the Institute
of Physics PAN in Warsaw, Poland.
(English excerpts from original mail in Polish)
Previous experiences:
Utrecht University/Biophysics, The Netherlands
fluorescence microscopy, spectroscopy and computer simulations;
Optical techniques and their application in biophysical studies of biomolecular systems.
Fluorescence imaging techniques are being developed aimed at following processes in living cellular systems.
Development of the numerical tools (IDL) for extracting information about the molecular order and dynamics from the
experimental data.